Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Olive Oil

So I know that we all have our own personal quirks when it comes to hair and skin. For many of us over the years we have found our own remedies for each season or products that work for us. My all time favorite beauty ingredient of the winter when my skin and hair are at their driest is olive oil. There are many uses for it but I am going to give you my top three favorite olive oil uses.

The first is as a hot oil treatment. you can make as much of this as you need for the amount of hair you have and how dry it is. The ratio is 1/2 cup olive oil to 2 table spoons Honey. Heat it up in the microwave mix it up put it on your head and put a shower cap or saran wrap over your head and leave it sit for 20 min. Then rinse it out with hot water. Your hair might appear greasy for a day or so but then you will have super soft hair.

Use number 2 is a cuticle softener. Just place some olive oil in a dish heat it up in the microwave then apply it to your cuticles let it sit for a few minutes then take your cuticle pusher or clipper and take care of those cuticles as you see fit. Just a note if you do this and then are going to paint your nails make sure you take some nail polish remover to your nail to get rid of the access oil even if you have no nail polish on to insure that the polish stays where you want it to.

My third and final use is just as a lotion. This should only be done if your skin is really dry. My recamendation is that you shower at night and then apply the olive oil to those dry places (for me in the winter that is everywhere) Then allow the night for it to soak into your skin. It works wonders for me anyways.

My biblical connection today is kind of a stretch by that I mean this entry might seem a little disjointed. The Refined Beauty DTS is going to be run alongside 2 other schools in March, The Urban DTS as well as the Basketball DTS. That is a lot to be going on at the same time. We are going to need prayers to stay united both as the staff of the different schools as well as the students. That our communication would not be confused or missed. That the Lord would be in all that we do. 

Psalm 133: 1-3 
How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity. It is like precious oil poured on the head running down on the beard. Running down on Aaron's beard down the collar of his robe. It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life evermore.

In other translations it says there God commands his blessing. Where there is unity and I don't want to miss out on that blessing. I want this school, all of them to be blessed. So please pray for the unity of these schools, we need it!
And try out these fabulous uses for olive oil!

Also come to DTS in March www.ywampittsburgh,org

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


One thing that tends to be a temptation when it comes to fashion and beauty is vanity and being identified that way. It is something that we pray against that we know is a bad thing but I never really knew why. In my head vanity was finding your worth in your looks or wanting to look better than everyone else. The actual text book definition is that it is worthless or all for nothing. That is the last thing that we want this school to be. However if God is not in it, if everything that we do doesn't point to him and line up with this idea of bringing beauty out of ashes and raising up Oaks of righteousness for his Glory then it truly is all in vain. all for nothing.

It is interesting to me to see how true this definition is, a friend of mine was telling me about a guy friend of hers who asked her the age old question: "why are the prettiest girls the most insecure" Well although I cannot speak for every single insecure girl out there I can say what I have observed. Putting all the normal daddy issues aside I would say it is because that is all that they are praised for. Those girls that we define as the most beautiful are constantly told that is what they are. When in their hearts they know that beauty is vanity, its fleeting and worthless. They are not told how intelligent, funny, interesting or talented they are. They are told how beautiful they are because that is what is staring you in the face. 

I am not saying that girls don't want to be told that they are beautiful, we do. I am not discrediting our whole ministry plan. I am saying that without God's leading without him being in control of it, of us, of each of our students it is all in vain. For nothing. For some girls this means giving up make-up, or shopping, or doing your hair different, embracing the way God created you. For me in my own life all through high school I lived in vanity. I wore sweat pants and pulled my hair back and I was living and doing it all for nothing. I thought there was no hope for me to be beautiful. I thought that this is the only way to do modesty for me. It was all in vain. Then God showed me I was worth it all. I dressed up, went to cosmetology and now I am part of this Refined Beauty DTS. I am redeemed, redefined, Refined.

The prayer is that we will reach women. That they will follow God's leading in picking up or putting down the mascara. Giving everything away, or shopping armed with their new identity in Christ. It is all about him, his leading. How he wants to reach women across the globe beginning with each of us.

Here is the plug. If you are interested in coming to be "pretty" pray harder, search deeper. If you are willing to allow God to work in your heart. To bring out your insecurities and weaknesses transform them and use them for his Glory. Sign up today! check us out at 

Monday, October 29, 2012


Goldstone is my all time favorite "stone" that they put in jewelry. Why, well because it sparkles and it is a copper color which in my world it doesn't get much better. My grandma is the one who first introduced it to me she had a few pieces that her father had given to her as a girl and she would show them to me and tell a the story of how it was made by monks by accident which is what the dealer who her father bought it from told her. I remember being transfixed by all of the sparkles just staring at it and I knew that I wanted something just like it when I grew up.
My mom started and has not stopped buying me goldstone jewelry and I love it. 

I was thinking about my love for it and looked into how it is made. It is a process of the right temperatures so that the copper glitters and doesn't oxidize. Then after that you have to shape it into whatever shape it is you need it to be. 

Copper is valuable it is something that many people find worth stealing out of homes. Which I know is bad but just the thought of it being something worth the risk of stealing. Jesus thought we were worth the risk and I know that he was more taking us back rather than stealing considering the fact that he created us but still. We were worth the risk. copper is used as a conductor. That is what we are to be used for to conduct the plans and purposes of the God who thought we were worth the risk to take back. 

Then under the right circumstances aka when we are living in the perfect will of God and when our lives are completely transparent before him and others we sparkle. The kind of dazzling sparkle in the light of the sun or "son" that others cannot help but be transfixed on. 

Once again my shameless plug. check out the Oaks of righteousness blog entry and pray about coming to our refined Beauty DTS is March. Or pray about telling someone you know about our refined beauty DTS in March it is going to be fabulous!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


So I think one thing that we can all agree on is zits are no good. They are on your face where everyone can see them and when you are in middle school and High school they are like a beacon that says hey please pick on me. They draw negative attention and the moment we get them our first thought is why today and how can I get rid of you in the fastest way possible.

There is no shame in asking people for their best remedies or what they use because although there is cover up for girls you can never completely hide the zits existence so why try. So here are a few home remedies I have heard work for people. None are fool proof but people claim they work.

1) Toothpaste key word here being paste if it has any of that gel in it DON'T I repeat DON'T use it. I did once and there is an unfortunate facebook photo of me with a red splotchy face as a result. You put it on the zit let it sit for about 15 min and then wipe it off with lukewarm water. For me this clears it up in about 3 days.

2) Pepto Bismol apparently you can use this as a spot treatment as well. I have not tried it but if you do let me know how it works!

3) The last method that I want to share with you today is a tomato mask. I have done this during the summer when my face tends to freak out a bit and it works wonders! So you take a tomato cut an X in the top and then run it under hot water. remove the skin, gut out all the seeds. Then use what is left and mash it up into a smooth paste. Put this on your face like a mask leave it on for one hour then rinse it with warm water. I usually do this about once a week during the times when my face is not happy with me.

There are for sure other methods and remedies for acne out there just check the internet I am sure but these are a few I have heard and seen to be effective.

Here is the thing what if we treated our sin the way we treat acne. We hated it and wanted to get rid of it. We saw it is something we cannot hide so why try and sought out the help and advice of other brothers and sisters in Christ. People that you can trust that will challenge you and hold you accountable. We did not just try to deal with it on our own as if no one could see it or knew it was in our hearts. Because while the rest of the world cannot always see what our sin is specifically they do see the fruit of its work in our life. Our stuborness, our excuses, our short tempers, our justifications do just as much good as cover up or concealer, to hide the real issue. Not only that but God the one that we claim we are living to please sees it all, the cause and the effect. This is my challenge to you today. It hit me hard as I was praying and thinking about what to share on here. Deal with your zits. Deal with your sin. GET HELP because normally neither of them just go away on their own. 

Once again shameless plug time. I have no tie in really just you know if this intrigued or challenged you maybe check out some of the other blog entries mainly the first one. If you care interested in more information concerning the Refined Beauty DTS check shoot me an email or check us out at And tell a friend Thanks so much!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Dominate my being oh God keep me reverent your servant draw me near instill in me that fear that purifies.
Dominate my being oh God remove my fear of man protect me from the lies be the lover of my soul so I can love with a heart that is whole.
Dominate my being oh God I know I am scared but I am willing to see the sin you hate in me for what it is God please change me.
Dominate my being oh God let me live in humility give me boldness in who I am a sinnner made clean because your perfection dominated me.

God has been speaking to me a lot about domination. How when something, some place or some one has been dominated it means that they are over powered or overtaken. This is what he desires for our lives he wants to dominate and it is a fight. A fight with the world and our flesh to get it all out so that there is only room for his Spirit.

That is all for today 

Other than my shameless plug. If God is speaking to you through any part of this read a few of the other entries if you have not already see what this is all about and if the Refined Beauty DTS is right for you send an email or check out the website

Thursday, October 18, 2012


One thing that I have found to be very important to me is smelling good. I know most people like to smell good or at least don't want to be known for smelling bad but I have a passion for smelling good. I am a bath and body works addict why you might ask well because they give you the body wash, lotion, body spray and perfume so you can be certain that the smell you love so much is now a part of who you are.

Now as with many things in life I could take the whole smelling good thing a few different directions be it how we are supposed to be a fragrant offering pleasing to the Lord. Or just like body wash cannot cover up BO doing good things does not cover up doing bad you have to take a shower and become clean before your good works can be good.

However I just want to take a moment and talk about anointing. More specifically Jesus' anointing. When the woman came to dinner and poured expensive perfume over Jesus' feet washing them with her tears and kissing them. It showed so much devotion, so much love. She poured out all she had to give which anointed Jesus it prepared him for what he had to do. I think that is what anointing does. God gives us all he has for us and anoints us for a task for the jobs that he has created us to do. All of the people that come into your life that challenge, teach, diciple, encourage and just pour into your life they are anointing you to walk out in all that God has for you. They leave their "perfume" on you if you will.

Jesus and his calling for your life are not just something that you have, or something that you have recived it is a part of who you are. I am going to go one step further and say it is who you are. Too much of the time we just spritz on our Jesus body spray or throw a little lotion on when we really need it. God created you for his purpose and leads you in his ways so his light, his fragrance, his anointing is who you are. Him working in and through you.

So once again it is that time again. My shameless plug if you like smelling good and encouraging others to do the same. Or and more importantly if you want to do more than spritz on Jesus perfume if you want his scent to be your scent then the refined Beauty DTS might be for you so you can email us here or check out

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Several years ago a room mate of mine shared this recipe with me and I have introduced it to everyone I know because it is that good. So now I am sharing it with all of you. Although I am sure that if you searched the web you would probably find it and many of you might already know it.

Literally all it is, is equal parts sugar and hair conditioner any kind although I prefer Suave Naturals.

Mix them together take a healthy portion and rub it on your feet, hands, elbows, knees and wherever else you could use a little extra TLC and moisture. Then rinse with warm water and apply a lotion of your choosing. Ta Da!!

A week ago we were all set to do a youth group service at a church in the area. As we prayed about what to share with them this whole idea of exfoliation and off with the old to make room for the new came to mind.

This exfoliation is a great picture of who God is and what he does in our lives. You hear this and you think it sounds too simple to be that good. It also sounds sticky and slimy and messy. Not to mention when we remove the callouses we cause our hands be softer, yes but also more venerable which can lead to pain. Much like when people hear the message of the gospel it sounds good but also too simple. It also sounds messy and hard and painful, there is too much of a risk. We don't want to give up the callouses that we have developed in areas of our lives over time. Even though the reward be it softer hands or eternal life is so worth it! (not that I am saying those 2 things are on the same level at all)

The other part of it is when I was told about this and experienced its amazing benefits at so little a cost to me I wanted to tell EVERYONE. And I have from MN to PA to Thailand most people in my life have heard about the amazing sugar and conditioner scrub. That should be our attitude about Jesus. Not only that our lives are being lived out to show him to others but that we are telling them the recipe so that they too can experience his awesome love!

So I encourage you to try out the recipe its amazing and then share it with someone you know. But more importantly share Jesus with someone that you know cliche and a bit cheesy I know but far too often in my own life I find myself sharing things that are trivial more than I share the one thing that is eternal.
Also if you are reading this and have no clue what the gospel message is shoot me and email, I will be more than willing to tell you.

And now comes the time for my shameless plug. If all of this sounds like "wow that is awesome" or "I want to use exfoliation methods to further the gospel". Then the YWAM Pittsburgh Refined Beauty DTS might be the place for you! so you can email the address connected to this blog or check us out at

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Oaks of Righteousness

This is going to be a blog of thoughts, beauty secrets and do it yourself spa treatments. It is a branch off of Youth with a Mission's Refined Beauty DTS beginning in March if you have any questions about what that is or want more information on that please email the address affiliated with this blog or post a comment.

The vision behind all of this came out of Isaiah 61:1-3
The spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon me for the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that the captives will be released and the prisoners will be freed. He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord's favor has come and with it, the the day of God's anger against their enemies. To all who mourn in Israel he will give a crown of beauty for ashes a joyous blessing instead of mourning. festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness they will be like great oaks that the lord has planted for his own glory.

Through doing things like manicures, haircuts and makeovers we want to use outward beauty to then allow Jesus to reveal the inward beauty to these women that has been there all along but the world and all of its lies as well as our own flesh and all of its insecurity has prevented us from seeing. In essence we want to bring freedom to captives and beauty from ashes.

The part that I want to focus on today however; is where its says that "In their righteousness they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory."

That is what we want the women who come through our DTS to be. I spent 5 months in Thailand working with women who were being prostituted by their own choice or family pressure. Day in and day out I saw the vastness of this problem and had to constantly remind myself that every single woman mattered and I was making a difference although it all seemed hopeless.
I remembered that Youth with a Mission Pittsburgh was starting this school and knew I was called to join.

The goal is to impart this heart of serving women communicating the grace of God through the beauty he has created each of us to be. The dream the hope is to raise up a mobile forest of oaks to   display God's beauty and Glory in every place and in every way imaginable. The goal is not to have highly trained professionals making people more beautiful. The vision is that women will catch a hold of this heart this desire to be a Beautiful Oak of righteousness spreading and planting God's seed across the globe.

So it is now time for the shameless plug portion of this blog if you or anyone you know might possible be interested in a school like this send them our way either they can email or check out thanks so much and keep us in your prayers and keep reading!