Friday, December 7, 2012

Experimental Baking

I love to bake, and I love to eat the things that I bake, its a problem. I don't really use recipes or at least I don't follow them to the letter because well I think that is boring. This might say something about a lack of taking direction but it also results in some pretty fabulous creations, and large messes I then I have to clean up.

A friend of mine shared a recipe for cake batter puppy chow with me. For those of you who do not know me this could not have been more exciting news. Puppy chow is one of the things in this world that I sit and eat until I am sick every time it is in front of me and I still love it and think it is worth it, and eat eat cake batter by the spoon full. Now for all of you who are not completely grossed out I want to share a red velvet puppy chow recipe I came up with.

1/2 cup cream cheese frosting
1/4 cup cream cheese
1 cup chocolate chips
1/2 t vanilla
9 cups Chex
1 cup powdered sugar
2 cups red velvet cake mix

So you melt the chocolate chips and cream cheese and frosting together over the stove or in the microwave. Then add the vanilla

In a separate bowl mix your powdered sugar and cake mix together.

Then pour your melted mixture over the chex and mix until they are all evenly coated.
Put your coated chex in a large tupperware or gallon plastic bag pour in the cake mix and shake it all up until they are all evenly coated then enjoy!

The thing about this is when we do things our own way we make a mess that we have to clean up I had cake mix from one end of the kitchen to the other and all over myself. I burnt chocolate chips and had frosting all over the table and the microwave. It was a hot mess. Although it ended in something I can share with you, had I just known my measurements and exactly what I would need I could have been much neater about everything.

While I will never stop expiramental baking I think far too often I take this approach in my own life and walk with the Lord as well. I read the bible or I know what is right or what he wants from me but I make my own plan thinking it will be better than whatever it is he had and will get the same if not better results. I wind up making a hot mess out of everything and then I have to clean it all up or rather I turn to Jesus and say How on earth am I going to clean this up?
He is faithful to show me every time, and then the next time I listen to him more I add less and less of my own tweaks to his perfection. Because if we love him,if we truly choose him every single day whether we feel like it or not. Whether it sounds like it is going to be fun or exciting or turn out the way we think it should. We will follow his commands and his plan. Unlike experimental baking, experimental living is never better than the original perfect recipe.

Shameless plug if you think experimental baking with me sounds like a blast you should come to this school because I will be here all day everyday! But in all seriousness if you read this and thought sounds like fun check out the first blog entry to hear what it is all about. Or just shoot me an email at

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