I have semi- curly hair and about a month and a half ago my housemate introduced me to this book called Curly Girl. It is by a woman who had devoted herself to cutting, styling and passing on her wisdom, knowledge and experience with curly hair.
So my success from this book is that I no longer use shampoo, only conditioner. When I first read this I was like won't I feel dirty but the truth is no you just scrub your scalp well with the conditioner rinse all of that out apply conditioner to just your hair rinse most of it out leave some in and voila! My hair looks pretty good and it isn't nearly as dry and poofy
The failure happened when I turned to a page about some home remedies for curly hair. It said for a dry scalp you can use redi whip and put it on your head let it sit and rinse it out with warm water.
Well I did this... or I attempted this.
I thought I rinsed it out really well but the next day when my hair smelled like milk that had been left out I thought maybe I didn't. Not only did my hair smell but it was greasy. Not only did it smell and was it greasy but my scalp looked worse. Needless to say I would not recommend this and although I still had the redi-whip in my fridge and from time to time thought about trying it again. In the end I am scarred and instead decided to make crepes with fruit and redi- whip.
All of this to say that things do not always work out the way you want them to. When this happens it can leave a scar. What we do with that scar and that experience is what matters. It is cliche but true. I could have scrapped the whole thing and tossed out the whipped cream and pretended that I had never done something like that. Or I could have tried again and rinsed better and shared a success story. Instead I decided to share my failure with you. Just in case you thought I was a brilliant home remedy person that this stuff always worked for, now you know that I win some and I loose some, also to use it as a teachable moment. Not of if at first you don't succeed try, try again. But if at first you don't succeed use your failure to warn others against the same mistake and then make crepes!
No quite as catchy but you get the drift. The whole idea behind the Refined Beauty DTS and ministry is that we have all made mistakes and had misconceptions of what beauty is and who Jesus is and how he views us. The challenge is are you willing to give it all up to him. To allow him to show you that all of those failures he wants to turn into successes. Maybe in a way you never would have thought of on your own. When my head first smelled like sour milk the last thing I was thinking of was eating that whipped cream. However if that whipped cream hadn't have been in my fridge I never would have thought of making crepes and it was a delightful Saturday morning treat!
So Shameless plug time. If you have curly hair and want more direction on using only conditioner shoot me an email. If you too have a home remedy horror story email me or comment here get some conversation going. But more importantly if you think that giving 5 months of your life and dedicating it to Jesus so he can turn you sour milk moments into Saturday morning Crepes email me here or visit www.ywampittsburgh.org. Thanks so much
I thought I rinsed it out really well but the next day when my hair smelled like milk that had been left out I thought maybe I didn't. Not only did my hair smell but it was greasy. Not only did it smell and was it greasy but my scalp looked worse. Needless to say I would not recommend this and although I still had the redi-whip in my fridge and from time to time thought about trying it again. In the end I am scarred and instead decided to make crepes with fruit and redi- whip.
All of this to say that things do not always work out the way you want them to. When this happens it can leave a scar. What we do with that scar and that experience is what matters. It is cliche but true. I could have scrapped the whole thing and tossed out the whipped cream and pretended that I had never done something like that. Or I could have tried again and rinsed better and shared a success story. Instead I decided to share my failure with you. Just in case you thought I was a brilliant home remedy person that this stuff always worked for, now you know that I win some and I loose some, also to use it as a teachable moment. Not of if at first you don't succeed try, try again. But if at first you don't succeed use your failure to warn others against the same mistake and then make crepes!
No quite as catchy but you get the drift. The whole idea behind the Refined Beauty DTS and ministry is that we have all made mistakes and had misconceptions of what beauty is and who Jesus is and how he views us. The challenge is are you willing to give it all up to him. To allow him to show you that all of those failures he wants to turn into successes. Maybe in a way you never would have thought of on your own. When my head first smelled like sour milk the last thing I was thinking of was eating that whipped cream. However if that whipped cream hadn't have been in my fridge I never would have thought of making crepes and it was a delightful Saturday morning treat!
So Shameless plug time. If you have curly hair and want more direction on using only conditioner shoot me an email. If you too have a home remedy horror story email me or comment here get some conversation going. But more importantly if you think that giving 5 months of your life and dedicating it to Jesus so he can turn you sour milk moments into Saturday morning Crepes email me here or visit www.ywampittsburgh.org. Thanks so much
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