So I recently made the choice to share some other women's thoughts and advice to women everywhere. So I did what any savvy girl would do and sent out one of those annoying mass facebook messages that asked if there was one piece of advice you would give girls today what would it be. The first woman to respond back said that it would be to read the book Captivating.
This is a good book about who we are as women and how God created us. There are parts of it I personally struggled through and other parts I will admit I have forgotten but there was one thing that really stood out to me.
It said that the bible talks about satan as a beautiful angel, more beautiful that the rest. This is why it is something that he preys on in women. We were created the fairer sex that shows off the beauty of God and Satan doesn't like that so he goes after it. He knows how to make us feel fat, ugly and insecure and we bow to his pressure so often. When the truth that he knows full well is that we show off the beauty of God's creating more than anything else in the world. So I would encourage you to think about that the next day you look in the mirror sigh and say well its a fat day or a bad hair day or whatever else you say to yourself after you sigh at the mirror. Even at your worst you are God's beautiful best. Also I would encourage you to read the whole book something else might stick out to you more.
Shameless plug, if you are interested in more information about the Refined Beauty DTS check out the very first blog entry and/or send me an email at thanks so much.
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