Thursday, February 7, 2013

So Cold it burns

I am sitting at the computer and have been trying to write this post on and off for a good portion of the day. I write for a minute and then delete what I have written.

Words are eluding me today I know what is on my head and in my heart but the ability to communicate is just not coming to me. But here goes nothing I apologize in advance if it is a but scattered.

So due to the ministries that I have been involved in and the ministry with women and girls of all walks of life this concept of being "hot" and "sexy" and all of our movies and commercials and TV and everything else that promotes this "hot". This hot is so much a part of our lives that we as christians even forget how damaging it is.. 

It is all so empty and cold. Sex and being sexy is meant to be this intimate and personal thing and yet so often since the beginning of time it becomes this supply and demand mentality. Which is so far from God's design that rather than us seeing the sex industry as a perverted damaging thing we view his design as unrealistic or unnatural. 

Have you ever touched something that was frozen or super cold and metal, and had that burning sensation? When things are that cold and if you let it stay that way you go numb and then get frostbite which can lead to the loss of appendages or even limbs.

That is what this version of "hot" is. Rather than actually being hot it is so cold that it burns. we then become so numb and desensitized that we forget that we are loosing parts of who we were created to be. My encouragement and purpose in this is to pray for those that are loosing who they are. That are allowing the cold to trick them into thinking it is heat. For the men and women caught up in this industry or this lifestyle. Because while they believe themselves to be burning with passion the reality is that they have severe frostbite. 

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