Tuesday, January 29, 2013

More than tipsy

Ok so after an extended break I am returning to my brides. Now once again looking and taking the photo in looking through the bride of Christ glasses.

My first reaction at this photo and many of the others that I saw of drunk brides was laughter. This woman looks ridiculous or white trash. She is by herself with the bottle and cigarette plopped down on the porch getting wasted. 

Then I think of how sad it is. Why isn’t she with her friends or her new husband. Why is she getting plastered doesn’t she want to remember this night. It is supposed to be the happiest night of her life right?
Now here is the thing I could go off on a rant of how useless I think being literally drunk is but then many of us would just think well I don’t get drunk so I am good to go. I am so not this bride.

The thing is our muddy bride she knew what she was doing. She knew who she was called to be but wanted to hide it. She wanted to blend in. This bride has allowed the world to poison her and cause her to forget who she is. She has been drinking the sin long enough and often enough to believe that there is nothing better for her. That this is it and this is enough and this is fun. She desires so much to feel something and then remember nothing. That way she can trick herself and everyone around her that she is happy and living a life that everyone should want to live, When the reality is her life is empty and she has forgotten how to fill it. 

How many times do we allow ourselves to “forget” that what we are doing is sin. We live in a sort of ignorance and call it bliss. God wants all of us every part he wants to show the “drunken” areas of our lives and take them away. The amazing thing, the very best thing about when Jesus takes something away is he does not leave an empty space in us he fills it with more of himself. By showing us another facet of his character and through that drawing us into a deeper place of worship and understanding of who he is and why his presence is the only place we should desire to be. He does not want us to forget who we were or forget any part of our lives who we were before or where he has brought us. He just wants to love us to be our bridegroom. To show us we were created to bring Glory to him and when we are doing that, then we are full of Joy which goes so much deeper than being fake happy. He shows us how much fun life can be with him.

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