Today I want to spend some time talking about a very important concept in beauty technique both in makeup and in hair cutting it is called blending. This is something that we do so that there is no line in whatever we are doing. So the body in your hair looks as though it is natural and not put in there with how you cut your hair. So that the porceline skin look that your foundation has acheived looks as though it is natural and there is no line.
The first hair cut that I gave in Thailand was quite an expirience. The women there do not want any trace of a line left in their hair, they do not want in known that the volume sleek smooth look that looks as though it is that natural beautiful Thai girl hair was achieved by a strategic hair cut and then a process of brushing and then flat ironing the crap out of their hair. I cut it and blended it but she could still see some ends so she wanted it blended even further.
So I spent another 15 min blending in all of the ends I could see, but in her eyes there were still more, so I went back a third time blended the heck out of every end I could see and some that I couldn't but she said were there. I then Had her look in the mirror thinking yes it is finished. But no in this case the 4th time was the charm. Went back blended in every where because at this point I didn't even know what I was blending. She looked at it with a big smile and said it was the best hair cut she had ever had.
In contrast there was a girl I went to school with who had a hardcore makeup line along her jaw. So that her makeup looked as though it was a mask that she painted in every morning. There was a distinct difference between her face and neck, you knew that she had put work in to get the look on her face she was going for.
Blending is something that while it is key and something that needs to be done in makeup artistry and hair design, it is something that should not be a part of our walk with the Lord. We should not be trying to blend the world into our faith. There should be a distinct line, people should be able to see the layers in who we are that are in contrast to the rest of the world. We should know and be able to see for ourselves who we are in contrast to the rest of the world.
Far too often I find myself trying to blend. Because it is easier and it looks better and then people do not notice who I am. They do not question why I believe what I believe because they cannot see that it is different from them.
But then the question remains is what I believe different. Do I really believe those things. Is that really who I am. Do I really desire to follow Jesus with all that I am if I spend more time trying to blend and less time defending the character and the word of God.
Check us out at tell your friends Blend your makeup, blend your hair, don't blend your faith.
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