Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Several years ago a room mate of mine shared this recipe with me and I have introduced it to everyone I know because it is that good. So now I am sharing it with all of you. Although I am sure that if you searched the web you would probably find it and many of you might already know it.

Literally all it is, is equal parts sugar and hair conditioner any kind although I prefer Suave Naturals.

Mix them together take a healthy portion and rub it on your feet, hands, elbows, knees and wherever else you could use a little extra TLC and moisture. Then rinse with warm water and apply a lotion of your choosing. Ta Da!!

A week ago we were all set to do a youth group service at a church in the area. As we prayed about what to share with them this whole idea of exfoliation and off with the old to make room for the new came to mind.

This exfoliation is a great picture of who God is and what he does in our lives. You hear this and you think it sounds too simple to be that good. It also sounds sticky and slimy and messy. Not to mention when we remove the callouses we cause our hands be softer, yes but also more venerable which can lead to pain. Much like when people hear the message of the gospel it sounds good but also too simple. It also sounds messy and hard and painful, there is too much of a risk. We don't want to give up the callouses that we have developed in areas of our lives over time. Even though the reward be it softer hands or eternal life is so worth it! (not that I am saying those 2 things are on the same level at all)

The other part of it is when I was told about this and experienced its amazing benefits at so little a cost to me I wanted to tell EVERYONE. And I have from MN to PA to Thailand most people in my life have heard about the amazing sugar and conditioner scrub. That should be our attitude about Jesus. Not only that our lives are being lived out to show him to others but that we are telling them the recipe so that they too can experience his awesome love!

So I encourage you to try out the recipe its amazing and then share it with someone you know. But more importantly share Jesus with someone that you know cliche and a bit cheesy I know but far too often in my own life I find myself sharing things that are trivial more than I share the one thing that is eternal.
Also if you are reading this and have no clue what the gospel message is shoot me and email, I will be more than willing to tell you.

And now comes the time for my shameless plug. If all of this sounds like "wow that is awesome" or "I want to use exfoliation methods to further the gospel". Then the YWAM Pittsburgh Refined Beauty DTS might be the place for you! so you can email the address connected to this blog or check us out at

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